Sugar Is Poison For Your Teeth: Here’s Why
Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. The bacteria sits there and waits for an opportunity to grow. What does it take to give the bad bacteria a boost in growth? The answer to that question is sugar. Sugar Feeds the Bad Bacteria in the Mouth Sugar is needed to feed the bacteria. Sugar is a superfood for bacteria and can leave a person needing help from an emergency dentist near me . A person can find themselves suddenly in a lot of pain, with zero warning that an issue with their mouth was about to happen. Table Sugar is a Bad Idea for Teeth Just as humans need food to thrive and grow, mouth bacteria need food as well. Sugar is the preferred food for bad mouth bacteria. The bacteria hide in the mouth, and even people that brush their teeth still have this bad bacteria in their mouths. While there are many natural and lab-made sugars out there, it is the hard crystal type sugar that really feeds the bad bacteria. That little jar of sugar cubes on the kitchen table is not as innocen...